Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Painting In Your Underpants

We have been doing a lot of work around here. We logged around 12 if not more hours on the yard this weekend. It's strange how good it feels to work on your yard. To plant your garden with hopes of fresh veggies for your family. To build a coop that will shelter your chickens and also bring delight to your child (Doug built it, not me). To clean it all up and enjoy a BBQ on your patio with family and friends. It was all worth it. Cooper is always involved in the gardening. He chose where his pumpkins, bean tee pee, and other veggies would be planted. He took care of the chickens as they explored the yard. He dug dirt. He created games to be played on the slide. He entertained his sister, who patiently played in the grass.
The other day he wanted to paint some rocks that we had dug up in the yard. After talking with him, we decided we would paint more rocks to become the "signs" for our veggies so we know what is coming up. Oh, and his best work is always done in his underpants!
It was a nice long weekend. Hope you all had a great one too!








  1. what fun! I love the colors/tones in these photos. you have a great eye.

  2. How cute, what a fun project!



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