Friday, February 18, 2011

{This Moment}

{This Moment}
A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Not a single photo today, but they all signify a short hour in a long week. No professional camera, just my simple point and shoot and it felt great to use it for a change. Have a fantastic weekend!!






Monday, February 14, 2011

All You Need Is Love

Happy Valentines Day everyone out there!
When Doug and I first started dating almost eight years ago we both decided that we though Valentines Day was mostly a commercial holiday and that we really didn't feel the need to celebrate it. But, every year something is usually exchanged between us to celebrate this day of love. Usually a nice dinner or a simple card. We have come to admit that it is nice to have a day out of the year to celebrate love which really is all around us. I felt love last night when my baby girl was all stuffy and I had to walk around with her so that her nose would clear up until she nuzzled her little fuzzy head into my shoulder indicating to me that she was ready to try sleeping again. I felt love when my boy climbed into bed this morning and snuggled up close to me trying his hardest to go back to sleep. I felt love with my husband came in to our room as he does every morning before he goes to work to say "I love you". Today may not be a day full of wine and roses but it will be full of love and that is all that I need to celebrate this day.
Cooper and I have plans to pop his homemade valentines in the mail (late) and make some goodies to celebrate. We are also celebrating his health as I think he is all better!! Fina is still sick but hopefully on the mend.
On this Valentines Day I am thankful for health! I have had sick kids for the better part of three weeks and boy was it tough. This caused me to reflect on the many parents out there who have chronically sick children who endure sickness every day, sickness much, much worse than what I had to deal with. Reminded me of some of the parents of my patients when I was in the NICU. How do they do it? They are so strong. Healthy children are such a blessing and I shall never take my kids for granted.
What makes you feel loved toady?
{photo by the talented Genevieve Arjal}
It doesn't get better than this!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Sickie

So you may have noticed that I am blogging a lot this week. Or maybe you didn't. Well, the reason is not a good one. Cooper has been sick which has made him sleepy so I have much more time to do these things. Turns out he is allergic to Amoxicillin which has made his week quite miserable. Poor guy. I hate to be self indulging but, poor me. It is sunny and I want out of this house but instead we are in. Okay, I will stop whining. I have been giving lots of cuddles, back rubs, late night drinks of juice, late night cuddles, carrying around two babies, and watching more toddler TV then I would like to admit. We are hoping he is well enough for school tomorrow. I am optimistic.
Here is a photo of my two loves at bedtime. This is how we do it. Fina and I lay down with Cooper while he falls asleep and she falls asleep too. This was a particularly cuddly night for them. I think this may be the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I move her to her bed and they are both sound asleep by 8. Then Doug and I actually can talk, or just relax together.
Hope you are having a healthy week. Health should never be taken for granted!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

On Traveling With TWO Babies

A few weeks ago I traveled to New Mexico with both kiddos. Yes, I did it alone and No, it wasn't hard. At all. I got so many concerned glances that read "poor Mama, all alone with two kids." It really wasn't bad at all. Cooper LOVES to travel. He loves everything about it, the anticipation, the airport, watching planes take off, sitting by the window, watching the wings and the clouds. LOVES it! So, he is very patient and agreeable. Plus, we rented a new movie for him to watch on the ipad so he was good to go. Fina, well she is just an easy baby. So how did we do it? Doug dropped me off at the curbside check in. He helped me take my one bag (packed very light, always do) and Fina's car seat and stroller combo to the check in. I had Fina in the ERGO, Cooper held my hand and I had our backpack (diaper bag) on my back. Easy as pie. We walked through the airport, well Cooper skipped really, to our gate, found a seat, Fina was asleep before take off, Cooper rattled off his airplane knowledge to anyone who would listen and we were there in no time. Plus he got to fly in his PJ's which is always a bonus as we don't usually let him leave the house in PJ's.
On the way home was more of the same, except for the multiple bathroom breaks required by Cooper. And if you have ever had to squeeze into a bathroom on an airplane to help a toddler with his business while holding a squirmy baby then you know exactly what I mean. That was the most challenging part of the whole trip ;)
Here is a video of us on the plane.
I know I am lucky. I am thankful for my well mannered kids every day, even when they are NOT well mannered.
So as for tips on traveling with kids: Pack light, wear your baby (so much easier than lugging the stroller around but I am not a stroller girl), bring entertainment, nurse or give bottle on take off and landing to protect little ears, have fun. It's not that bad, really. Make it an adventure!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Those Eyes... (photo shoot)

My poor girl has pink eye. These photos were taken the day before she got goopy eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful. From the crisp blue color to the long dark lashes they are perfection to me. Just so happens that her eyes match her big brother. If you ever asked me if I thought my children would have beautiful blue eyes I would have said "no way". But turns out, they do and I just love looking deep into their eyes every day.
This girl pulls on my heart strings every day. I am so in love with her. I have said that before, right?







Sunday, February 6, 2011

Conversations With A Three Year Old

Cooper: "Mommy, me and Fina came out of your [tummy] (correct anatomy was used but I will save the verbage since this is G rated) right?"
Me: "Yes, you and Fina did come out of my tummy."
Cooper: "And Brett, and Jacob, and Livia came out of your tummy too?" (these are all of the babies we know)
Me: "No baby, they came out of their mommies.I only gave birth to you and Fina."
Cooper: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yup, pretty sure about this one."

Another moment in the car:
Cooper: "I just love you so much mommy!"


And another moment with Daddy:
"I want to be big and strong like you one day, daddy."


Sigh, we love this boy oh so much. I must admit that I am flattered that to him I am THE MOTHER. He sees me as the ultimate mother in which all life begins which is quite sweet. He is such a loving guy and it is moments like these that we never want to forget. He totally admires his daddy and just loves to play with him. Cooper and I certainly have our tough spots every day but he truly is a wonderful kid.
He is sick with a fever now and so is Fifi but when I came home last night he was more concerned with his baby sister then with himself (she had a tough time while I was at work). I am so proud of his compassion for her. He really is a good person, even if he is only 3.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Day In The Yard Of The Year

I know the whole country is getting hit with really bad and cold weather. Not to rub it in, but it has been absolutely beautiful here! Sun in the sky, crisp weather, amazing. Seriously, it only takes one beautiful day to remind me why I love living here and that one day makes up for all the rainy that preceded and that will follow.
We spent all day outdoors yesterday. We hit the zoo then after nap and relaxation time we spent hours in our yard. I literally squeeled with delight when I noticed that our rhubarb is coming up and noticed buds on our white plumb tree!
Cooper was equally as delighted to find out that the worms were prospering.




He was also excited to get started on some of the trimming of bushes and just digging around again in the earth.
We have also noticed that the Robins have returned to our yard which makes us all smile! Fina even got in on the fun by squishing dry leaves in her little hands and laying in the bark. Yes, I laid the girl in the bark in the name of photography. She got to put her hands in dirt and play with sticks for the first time and it was so fun to watch her discover.




I was also so excited about getting some really great natural light photos. I got so many good shoots that I am going to have to break them up over a few posts.
I know that spring is a few months away but yesterday reminded us how much we love being in our yard and got us all very excited about gardening. It also got me very excited about outdoor photo shoots!


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