Saturday, February 27, 2010


In LA with Grammy and Po


Bath time is so much more fun when you are in the tub with your cousins!


Grammy and Po having fun...

Grammy trying to wear Lauren's shoes


Daddy practicing. He says holding a girl is totally different :)


We had a blast at Nikko's 9th birthday party! I think the jumpy was the most fun!!


The birthday boy and Cooper. How sweet is this. Nikko is so good with him, probably because of all the practice he gets with is little brother and sisters.


The handsome birthday boy, Nikko.




We had a great time, as always visiting LA. It is so great to see Cooper play with his cousins. It's also great to catch up with my sister and her husband. Thanks guys, for a lovely weekend!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Winter Wonderland and Blog Changes


Another great photo from our Winthrop trip. I have a bad cold right now and so Doug stayed home from work to take Cooper to his Co op pre school (thanks Doug!) He is a wonderful husband and daddy, we are so lucky. So, I have occupied my time by changing a few things on our blog. To my delight, I have finally figured out how to make our photos bigger! Now we can share our family photos in a much bigger way!! Thanks to my friend Shannon who is way more blog savvy then me, she showed me how to do this. You should check out her blog as it details her amazing life as a single mama who has one biological child and soon to be 3 adopted children. She is one amazing woman!
Hope you all have a good weekend!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Mid Winter Break

Yup, he went cross country skiing at 2.5 years old!

He learned to set up his skis

He carried his own skis

He needed Daddy to get moving. He loved it! When he went to bed that night he said "I had so much fun skiing." It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. I didn't know they had skis so little. Next year, we are hitting the down hill.

He threw rocks in the river.

Daddy is handsome.

Mommy and baby girl at 21 weeks.

Hiking down to the river.

We went to Winthrop last week and then to LA for Nikko's birthday. We really took advantage of Doug's week off. Winthrop is always fun. We enjoyed good food, relaxation, and some winter sports. I even got on skis which felt great even though I am prego.
For anyone who doesn't know already, we found out a few weeks ago that we are having a baby girl! Wow! We are so blessed. I will post ultrasound photos soon. Also, photos from LA to come as well.
Now, back to the grind!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Going Cloth....What I know About Cuties in Cloth Booties

Cooper in a Bum Genius pocket diaper

As some of you may know, we use cloth diapers. We started when Cooper was about 8 months old. A few of my pregnant friends and just curious friends have been asking me to tell them what I know about cloth diapering so I decided that I would try and do a blog post. I am in no way an expert, but have been at it for almost 2 years so I will give it a go.

Why We Made the Switch
Like most, we started out using disposable. Why? Well, that was just what was done, right? Everyone used disposable, I actually didn't know one person who used cloth (still don't know many). When I thought of cloth diapering I thought of old school rag diapers that you fastened with a pin. I also thought that it meant using a diaper service. It never even occur ed to me that there are many modern cloth diapering options. Then I read a fantastic article in Mothering magazine. If you aren't familiar with Mothering magazine, it is a fabulous resource and support for natural parenting. I love it and look forward to it every 2 months! Any who... this article, which I bet you can get online somehow, explained all of the different types of modern cloth diapers and showed just how darn cute they are.
Most importantly, it discussed the horrible environmental impact that disposable diapers have. Of course you hardly ever hear about that side of disposable diapering, but it really is a problem. For instance, did you know that throwing human waste in a land fill is actually illegal? Yup, illegal. Why? Because human waste needs to be disposed of properly and if it goes into land fills it can potentially get in the water system. Not to mention the fact that disposable diapers sit in land fills for up to 400 years! That means that if your mom used disposable diapers on you, your poopy diapers are still in a land fill and will be for many, many, many years! An argument for disposable that you will hear which is a valid consideration is: don't you waste water washing cloth diapers, so in turn you are still negatively impacting the environment? This is a valid concern, however bogus. Diapering services, which are still in use DO use a ton of water to wash their diapers so washing at home is the most environmental way to go. Washing at home uses no more water than if the child were flushing the toilet numerous times a day, so it evens out. Another huge reason we decided to go cloth is the amount of chemicals used to make disposables. We did not like the idea of those being against our babies skin. So.....we switched.

Types of Cloth Diapers

There are so many types of cloth diapers out there that I simply can't explain it all here. I don't' have the knowledge or the time. A good way to learn about your options is to go shopping online and read the descriptions about each type of cloth diaper. My favorite web site to buy diapers is Wildflower diapers . This website will show you some of the most popular diapers out there and has an explanation of how they work. Another great website is diaper pin. This website gives reviews on cloth diaper products and answers many diaper questions that come up.
So, what type do we use?
We use a combo of pocket diapers and pre fold diapers. Pre fold diapers are cheaper but a bit more challenging to use. They are much like the old fashioned kind that you have to fold into shape and they need a cover. We use these while our pocket diapers are in the wash. You can use the cover over and over again, you just have to change the pre fold. They are getting harder to use as Cooper gets older because he has to lie down and sit still (right!) in order to get them on well. You don't need pins like you did in the old days because the cover fits snugly enough to hold them in place and the covers are super cute!

The pocket diapers are wonderful! They work just like disposable diapers. You stuff an insert into the "pocket", hence the name, and then they are ready to go. They either have Velcro or snaps and they are not bulky at all. These are one time use, you wash the whole thing after every change.
For baby girl, we are going to start cloth diapering right away. We are going to use a combo of fitted and pre fold diapers when she is a small baby and then move on to Coopers diapers when she gets a little older, because he is going to be potty trained by the time she needs bigger diapers, ahem... or at least that's the plan :) Fitted diapers are diapers that snap into place and then require a cover.
How cute are these fitted that I picked up for baby girl?

Don't they leak all the time?
Nope! Really, I am telling the truth. They hardly ever leak! Cooper wears a pocket diaper at night with an extra insert for up to 12 hours and he hardly ever has leaks. That's pretty good! If your diapers are leaking, it is likely because of detergent build up or a bad fit.
What do you do with the poop? Yuck!
You shake off solids into the toilet and we have a little sprayer that attaches to the toilet to get off the stuck on solid stuff. Then you throw them into your pail and they are ready to be washed. Nothing needs to be done with the urine diapers, just wash.
How do you wash them?
Washing can be a bit tricky but once you get the hang of it, it's not hard at all. We do a cold wash with no detergent, a hot wash with about 1/4 of the detergent you would use for a large load (less if you have a front loader), then an extra warm rinse. That is what we do. Many cloth diaper users have their own routine and you will get yours down too. The most important factor is the detergent you use. You have to choose one with no softeners or additives, so a free and clear type. We use Purex Free and Clear, it's cheap and it works. If your diapers are still stinky after washing or aren't absorbing properly you need to adjust your routine or perhaps need to strip them. We wash about every 2 or 3 days.
If you are going to use a "fancy" cloth diaper, like a pocket type, the up front cost may seem a bit scary. They run anywhere from 13-30 bucks each. But, once you buy them, thetas it! You never have to spend money on diapers again! If you use pre-folds, they are only a few dollars each and the covers are anywhere from 5-20 bucks each. Fitted diapers run about the same as pocket. I have a friend who gets hers used on Craig's list, so that's a great economical option. You can also get them on seconds websites. You save money in the end and buying disposable diapers is basically like buying trash!
So that's what I know. I hope this helps and that some of you choose to switch. It is so easy and dare I say fun! Plus, it is a great thing to do for the environment! We aren't perfect, we use disposable when we travel and when he is with Grammy and Po they prefer disposable. When we first started, we started slow, using disposable at night and when we were out and about. Once we got the hang of them, we realized how great they were and pretty much stopped using disposable all together. I would say we buy one to two packages of disposable diapers a year.
Good luck and happy diapering!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Most Important 2.5 Years of My Life

Yesterday our Cooper was officially two and a half years old. Wow, I can hardly believe it. I can still remember exactly how is body felt on my chest for the very first time right after I gave birth to him. I can still hear his lusty cry and see his pink little face. I never want to forget it and I never will as that moment changed me forever. It was my proudest moment and I had no idea just how blessed I was.
Now, my baby has gracefully passed through infancy and toddler hood into a full blown pre schooler. Every time I pack away another shirt that he has grow out of, or hear him speak a word perfectly rather then the cute made up word he formally used, I fight back tears. It is all going so fast. But how wonderful to watch so closely the amazing development of a little human. It's truly a privilege.
Cooper Alexander Blair, thank you for the most wonderful 2.5 years of my life!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sunshine at the zoo

Dear Jeff and Kristina,




Woodland Park Zoo Membership. What a wonderful Christmas gift!
Looks like the sun does in fact shine in Seattle! Shhh, don't tell anyone!


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