Saturday, May 26, 2012

21/52 Last Day

It's the end of an era. Our time with Cooper at the Co op preschool we have been involved in for the past two years is over. I am more than just a little sad. It was truly an amazing experience where we made many, may friends and even more memories. Sigh. Growing too fast.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Smile At The Rain

"Some people feel the rain, others just get wet." 

Yesterday there was a warm spring rain. Fina begged to play in it. While the mother in me wanted to drag her into the house to keep her dry (and clean) the photographer in me wanted to capture this sweet moment. She enjoyed the rain hitting her face, she sat and looked at the rain hit the leaves of the plants, she lived in the moment. I am thankful that photography makes me stop and live in the moment so that I can capture those moments in time. I have been trying to shoot daily, for myself. I know I already have a project 52 going but I am seriously thinking of jumping into a 365. We shall see. For now, enjoy my sweet girl, who was obviously born in the rainy city of Seattle, born into water at that!

Friday, May 11, 2012

19/52 Black & White

This week I shot only with the purpose of converting my images to black and white. It was really fun and a good challenge to push myself to find "pockets of light". I have some photographer friends who have been really inspiring and supportive lately who have been pushing me to grow as a photographer. Thank you! I converted all of these by hand in photoshop, no actions used. If feels great to feel like I am growing as a photographer.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Super Moon

We ventured out to a local park to watch the super moon rise above Lake Washington. It was beautiful.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mom's Birthday

We had a small dinner to celebrate my Mom's birthday. It was intimate and classy, just the way she wanted. I snapped a few shots and wanted to share them. Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


"Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what. If you don't listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won't tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them, all of it has always been big stuff."
                                                      ~Catherine M Wallace

This quote struck a chord in my heart. So often Cooper has big things to say in a big way. This kid has energy and excitement about EVERYTHING. And so often I have my own agenda, places to go, tasks to get done. So often he is saying, "Mommy, Mommy, did you see that?" Or he is taking his time telling me about something that seems so small in my BIG world full of chores and tasks. So often I rush him along, I tell him "did you hear me?" or "are you listening to me? WHY aren't you listening to me?" But this quote stopped me in my tracks. It came at a perfect time for me. Recently Cooper has been saying, "Mommy, YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO ME!" You know what? He is right, a lot of times I am not!

I strongly believe that a parent child relationship should be based on mutual respect. How can I expect him to respect me if I am not respecting him? So often I look at him and I think "why am I so impatient with this little boy, this child, who is so patient with me, so patient with his sister, so understanding and compassionate." I really think Cooper was given to me to teach me about myself. He and I are so much alike and I learn about my temperament through him.

I shall let this be a reminder to myself to listen to this child who is right in front of me, teaching me to be respectful, begging me to participate in his world of wonder, for this will not last long, he is growing up right before my eyes and I always want to be invited in his world. Always.

He requested a shower the other day. This also stopped me in my tracks. What? A shower? But you are a little boy. He was so cute and peaceful in the shower, testing the water, lingering and enjoying the warmth. I was glad to capture this moment, my boy, who is growing all too fast.


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