Sunday, August 8, 2010



I can hardly believe that this past week, on August 5Th to be exact, our Cooper turned three years old! Watching your child grow up is so bitter sweet. It is so amazing to watch them learn and grow but it is so sad how fast it goes. It is like you are holding on so tight to every precious moment and watching it slip through your fingers at the same time.
Three years ago, after a long labor, I gave birth to my little boy. I will always remember exactly how he sounded when he first cried, how he smelled when I bent my head down to meet his, how warm he felt on my chest right after he was born. Even though I was exhausted from labor, I stayed up all night looking at my new baby in wonder. Staring at his perfect face, cuddling him, not even able to grasp just how monumental that day was. Having a child changes you in every way and I really don't think you would know what you were missing if you didn't have a child, but wow, it is such a privilege to be a parent. Sometimes, when we are simply reading good night stories as a family and we are all giggling I look over at Doug, we exchange a look that says "we are so lucky, this is all we need". Being a parent has made me appreciate all the simple things in life and has made me realize that the simple things are all that matter.
I have learned so much about myself since I have had Cooper. The relationship I have with him is more complex than any relationship I have ever had. The love I feel for him is fierce and it overwhelms me at times. Yet, nobody can test my patience like he can. I have learned a new way to love and be loved.
Cooper, you have become such an amazing little boy. Your are wicked smart! You say and do the funniest things. You are compassionate and loving. You are wonderful. I have loved every moment of being your Mommy and look forward to every moment to come.

I made this crown for him. I copied the idea from a friend of mine at work. She gave me the pattern. Thanks Erin!

Here we are singing Happy Birthday to Cooper

Cooper opening presents. He had such a blast at his party!

Miss Fina slept on everyone during the party. Doug and I hardly saw her.

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