Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Rainy Walk

When I come here, to my personal blog, I feel a little sad. This is the space where it all began. Where I started sharing my family and my art with the world. Lately, I have had to prioritize where I spend my online time and this blog has been neglected.
My photography business is taking off, which is such a blessing, but my archiving of my families happenings has taken a serious backseat. I am going to try and keep up more, even if nobody is listening.

It has been rainy and gloomy here in Seattle. Shocker, I know! This time of year is always particularly hard for me. I miss the sun so much my body aches. Luckily, Cooper goes to a preschool where they go outside no matter what is going on with the weather. He goes in rain pants, rain boots, and a rain jacket and enjoys every minute of it. It has inspired me to be outside more too, regardless of the weather. So, yesterday, Fina and I went for a little rainy walk. She was delighted. She stomped in the puddles and enjoyed it very much. And so did I! It felt good to get some fresh, wet air.

Happy Tuesday friends!

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