It has been snowing/hailing all day and it is super windy! We had to be resourceful and find fun activities to do indoors. We went on our weekly trip to the library and then we came home and Mama got creative. I got a bunch of dried beans and rice and placed them on a baking dish, in muffin tins, and on a cookie sheet. I also brought out a bunch of trucks and spoons and let Cooper play. This was a messy activity but provided entertainment for a full hour which is really long for Cooper! He even helped clean up in the end.
I can't take credit for this fun idea. I got it from a fellow blogger ( www.mycharmingkids.net ) who posted this as a good activitiy to do when you can't play outside.
That first picture reminded me of when I was little girl and being addicted to the vaccumn cleaner. I needed a giggle...=] xxx.