Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just blow bubbles

When the winds of change get too strong...

Just blow bubbles!

Cooper seems to be handeling the changes quite well. He loves it over here at my parents house. Why woulden't he? He is king at their house. He lives in the moment and truly enjoys life. We can all learn from a happy toddler that when you are stressed all you need to do is take a deep breath and blow!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


A photo of the best Po and Grammy ever!

Cooper and I are at my parents house while Doug mans the yard sell that is going on as we speak (or type). Doug and I decided it was best if I come home and put Coop down for a nap because he naps best that way and we really want to try and keep his routine during this time of chaos. We are in the process of moving out of our house, we will be closing on Wed and need to be out by then. We spent our first night of many at my parents last night because our house became impossible to live in with all the boxes and such everywhere. Our garage sell has been a hit! We have sold a bunch of stuff. We feel like it is quite environmental because our stuff is getting used again rather than put in a land fill! The sell gave us an opportunity to teach Cooper a lesson about giving. When he saw some of his old toys on the drive way he began to play with them (even though he had long moved on from these toys, hence we are selling them). Well,a little kid wanted to buy a hand full of little toys and we were glad to give them to him for a good price. I know you should never judge someone based on looks, but it looked as though he may not have a lot of toys and he was thrilled about his buy. Cooper cried and was very upset about seeing his toys go. We sat down with his 21 month old self and told him that not all little boys have a lot of toys like he does and that it was very nice of him to give the boy his old toys for 1 dollar. He really seemed to pay attention and quickly moved on. We were glad to teach him about giving and to let him know that not all kiddos are as fortunate as him.
When I left the house today, I walked through and felt more than just a little sad. That has been our home, that house is where we became a family. It was in that house that Doug and I became mommy and daddy, where Cooper had his first bath, where he crawled for the first time and where he spoke his first words. I looked at his little room almost empty and it was much harder than I would have ever imagined. The past few years in our house have been filled with nothing but joy! Doug and I learned the true value of family in our home. Our relationship is stronger than ever and we absolutly love being parents! Wonderful things have come our way here in the Southwest but for some reason, one we cannot explain, we feel like we need to move our little family back to the Pacific Northwest. Our hearts break at the thought of leaving my parents but we know that they have formed a bond with Cooper that can never be broken and we truly hope that one day they will live in the Northwest too, if even only part time.
We are excited for the next chapter in out lives. We have been blessed and know that as long as we have each other we are home.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Baby shower. Catering by Hermanas & Mama Marie

We had a lovely shower for Ann this past weekend. We did all of the food and yours truly did the flowers. It was lots of fun and we can't wait until the new baby joins our family!

Friday, April 17, 2009

For sale by owner

Well everyone, it has been a while because our lives are CRAZY right now! We accepted an offer on our house. We feel very lucky, it only took 2 months. The inspections are today and if all passes then we are closing on the 30th of April. That means that all of us will be moving in with a really great older couple who live down the street. (AKA my parents!) We will stay with my gracious, wonderful, giving parents before we move back to the Northwest in June. On top of that we are packing, Doug is finishing school, preparing for new jobs, and entertaining multiple groups of out of town guests. Jeff and Kristina came for a visit last weekend, and my sisters are in town this weekend. Fun but hectic all around!
Cooper gets really stressed out when we pack so we are trying to be sensitive to his needs. This is the only home he knows and he doesn't like to see it put in boxes, I don't blame him.
I will post photos of our visits with family soon! I love this pic of Coop and I after a bath and a post is so boring without a photo of our little guy!
Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cooper singing

Don't mind my beautiful voice! Cooper loves to sing row row row your boat and twinkle twinkle little star. Maybe he will be musical like his Daddy!


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